
Thursday 21 July 2016

The Wacky Watercooler Blog Hop Celebrates its 3rd Anniversary!

As you can see from the title, this is a very special blog hop to which we're welcoming you.  It's our 3rd Anniversary. As blog hops go, that's quite a milestone because many don't last as long.  Not only has ours lasted these three years, but it has thrived.  New people have joined in along the way and we've also attracted a nice, large group of followers.  Life is good!

You can see the original hop if you click HERE.   You'll notice that we're lucky to have all the original "pioneer" participants with us for this Anniversary blog hop.  We're also lucky to be able to share this blog hop with several of our more recent "hoppers".

As you will remember, if you've wandered through our blog hops before, our blog hop is presented in a circular fashion.  What does that mean?  Wherever you begin in our blog hop, whether you go forwards or backwards through the participants, eventually you will wind up precisely where you began.  I hope you'll take time to visit all the participating blogs and, perhaps, leave a short message letting us know  what you've thought of our posts.

If you've been moving forwards through the blog hop, you'll have arrived here from the very talented Terri Antoniw.  Weren't her projects terrific?

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Our first project for this blog hop is an Anniversary card.   There are a lot of stamp sets which I could have used but I had this idea in my head and was determined that it would be translated into a card.  Armed with Window Sheets, Gold Foil, the Gently Falling embossing folder and the Curvy Keepsake Box thinlits, I proceeded to trace out and then hand cut my pieces.  I'm happy to say it all worked out.  You can see I've traced the thinlit onto a Window Sheet twice, the second time just to the right of and below the first tracing.  That became the top of my champagne flutes.  The Gold Foil became my champagne (with the embossing folder providing the bubbly effect).  I've limited my colours to Basic Black, Whisper White, Gold and Delightful Dijon.  The stamps which I used for my sentiments are from the Balloon Celebration and Number of Years sets.  

I love it when the images in one's head turn into an awesome card, don't you?

And since this is black and white with a pop of colour, I'm entering it into the SUO challenge this week.

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Our second project is all about using stamp sets which were introduced three years ago and have continued to be current today.  Truth be told, there are not many of those.  I chose to use one of my favourites, Wetlands.  This is a stamp set which will remain with me even after it finally retires.  I love the images that much! 

Instead of creating another card, I chose to make a keepsake rock for my sister who is going through some extremely serious health issues at the moment.  We grew up in Victoria and so the coast and all things coastal are dear to us.  What could be better, therefore, than to use the Wetlands images for this gift?  My rock is nice and flat and just large enough for this purpose.  First I sponged some Whisper White craft ink over it and wiped it off.  This sealed the rock and also gave me a better overall colour to which to add my colours and images.  The colours I've sponged onto the rock are Dapper Denim, Peekaboo Peach, Flirty Flamingo, Delightful Dijon, and Soft Suede.  Once those had dried, I stamped some splatter to the lower area using the Delightful Dijon ink and also stamped some splatter to the upper area using the Whisper White craft ink.  I love the Gorgeous Grunge set for the variety of splatters.

Finally, when everything was nicely dry, I stamped the sandpiper images as well as a partial reeds image onto the rock using Basic Black archival ink.  My sentiment is from the Thoughtful Banners set and is also stamped in archival ink.  Because I want this rock to last, I've chosen to seal it using the retired Crystal Effects.  

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Our final project is a CASE of a project from the original blog hop.  Since I was one of the "pioneers", I chose to CASE (copy and share) one of my own projects but, of course, using current products.  I love the Affectionately Yours Specialty Designer Series paper because several of the sheets of paper are beautifully embossed with the new Copper embossing powder.  It's so elegant and is therefore perfect for a current "take" on the pillow box which I shared in my original post.

Instead of using the Flower Shop bundle (which is still current after three years), I decided that my flower would be created using the wonderful Botanical Blooms bundle.  I used Vellum just as I did for my original but this time heat embossed it with the Copper embossing powder.  I also added a touch of the Copper heat embossing along the edges of the Night of Navy "girdle".   You'll notice a tinge of green on the leaf and some peach on the petals.  After colouring them with the Mint Macaron and Peekaboo Peach markers, respectively, I added clear embossing powder and then heat embossed that to give it more sheen.  The sentiment is from the Pop of Paradise set, Night of Navy heat embossed using the Copper embossing powder as well.

I love the way the current paper and products make this such an elegant pillow box, don't you?

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 And that's it for my projects.  I hope you've enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed creating them.  From here you'll be visiting another wonderfully creative stamper, Deborah Smart.


  1. I can finally comment on blogs as I could not really from my iPhone. Yay for new computers! Thank you for inviting me to join you for this blog hop. I have missed it (but not the stress part haha!) Your projects are great!! I especially love the ROCK and I want to try that sometime!! Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Thanks so much, Ter. No matter how "smart" they are, phones and tablets really become awkward for some functions. I always wait to comment when I'm on my laptop, too. I'm so glad you were part of this milestone hop and hope you can join again soon.

  2. Heidi, I'm always awed by your posts - they go from one jaw-dropping project to another even more stunning. I almost CASEd your pillow box (didn't think I could pull it off in my huge hurry) but your CASE is matchless in its elegance. Your champagne flutes are amazing - the Softly Falling embossing on Gold Foil truly evokes the little sparkly bubbles. The keepsake rock for your sister is beautiful, heartfelt, and simply breathtaking. Thanks for sharing your creative ideas, and for putting this anniversary celebration on the web!

    1. Thanks so much, Kathe. I had a couple of other CASEs in mind (not my own) but then couldn't resist using that copper printed DSP and my copper embossing powder. That is currently my favourite among all the remaining embossing powders---which are sadly depleted this year.

  3. Heidi - where do I start? You have truly outdone yourself! I have to get the Curvy Keepsake Box Thinlits now - who else could look at that die and see a Champagne flute? And that rock - I've often wondered about stamping on a rock - now I know how to do it! Going to raid my Mom's rock stash. Guess I also need that DSP too, while I'm at it. Three WOW projects!

    1. Thanks so much, Gail. I had this idea in my head about champagne flutes and it wasn't until I was leaning back looking around my room for inspiration, that using the Curvy Keepsake box thinlit occurred to me. You will love putting your creative mind to stamping (and painting) a rock.

  4. Oh my word, Heidi, your talent amazes me. I would never have thought of making champagne glasses out of the curvy keepsake box thinlits? or stamping on a rock? Now I love all the copper on your pillow box. Absolutely stunning details on all projects. And thank you for the details on stamping on the rock, I certainly will have to case that idea.

    1. Thank you so much, Jeannine. What a lovely thing to say. I have several keepsake rocks onto which I've stamped and then "painted" using our inks. It becomes addictive---just warning you. :)

  5. Your projects are fabulous! Your champagne glasses are awesome! The rock, well, I love rocks and how clever is that to stamp on it! The pillow box done up in copper is just wonderful! Thank you for inspiring me!

    1. Thanks so much. I'm so glad to hear I've inspired you.

  6. Heidi you absolutely had me with those champagne glasses. What an idea and how successful an idea it was. I would never have to use the Curvy Keepsake die in that way, so kudos for thinking outside of the box and sharing your creativity. I know your sister will find such peace and encouragement from the beach rock. I love how you managed to work the reeds into the contour of the rock. It's a perfect one to hold and take strength from. Like others, I'll be trying out this technique. And as if the champagne flutes and the rock weren't enough you've done an excellent job of CASing yourself! Wow, the DSP looks awesome and I love the updated embossed Botanical Flower. Stunning! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents.

    1. Thanks so much, Penny. I'll be giving the rock to my sister this week so she can have it for her radiation treatments and then also for her stay in the hospital after surgery.

  7. We've come a long way in three years, haven't we Heidi! The hop is still fabulous, and the projects just keep getting better :) I love how you created the champagne flutes - and the Gently Falling EF worked perfectly for the champagne bubbles. I had no idea that our ink would work so well on rocks - go figure! Sealing it was a good idea - it's way to nice to have it wear away. Love the copper embossing on your pillow box; it looks great with the Navy.

    1. Thank you very much, Deb. Who thought the hop would continue as long as it has? I've used a couple of other stamps on rocks over the years and posted them. They still look like new thanks to the Crystal Effects.

  8. Such beautiful project Heidi. I would have never thought to use the Curvy Keepsake die for the champagne glasses, and the to the use the Gently Falling EF for the bubbles is fabulous! Your love for your sister shines through your creativity. I will continue to pray for her. Last, but definitely not least, is your gorgeous pillow box. It's stunning. Thank for all you do for the Hop you are a special lady.

    1. What a sweet thing to say, Marie. Thank you so very much and thank you for being part of our awesome group.

  9. Coll projects and such wonderfully creative ideas! So glad you joined the fun at SUO!

  10. What a fantastic card!!! I love using the dies in an "unusual" fashion and will definitely keep this idea in mind! LOVE it! Thanks for playing along with the Black & White with a POP of color challenge on SUO Challenges this time!

    1. Thanks so much, Connie. There are hidden gems in many of our framelits if we look past the obvious. aren't there?

  11. What a great collection of projects!! Love how you created your glasses and used the gold foil with the EF for the bubbly :-) Thanks for playing along with us at SUO Challenges -)

    1. Thanks so much, Julie. We had such fun with this 3rd Anniversary Blog hop. I wanted the Anniversary card to be special.


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